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3 years ago
  1. spring:
  2. jackson:
  3. time-zone: GMT+8
  4. #mysql
  5. datasource:
  6. # url: jdbc:mysql://
  7. # username: root
  8. # password: 'hdp2021888'
  9. # driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  10. # type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource
  11. # druid:
  12. # initial-size: 5
  13. # min-idle: 1
  14. # max-active: 10
  15. # max-wait: 60000
  16. # time-between-eviction-runsMillis: 60000
  17. # min-evictable-idle-timeMillis: 300000
  18. # validation-query: select 1 FROM DUAL
  19. # test-while-idle: true
  20. # test-on-borrow: false
  21. # test-on-return: false
  22. # pool-prepared-statements: true
  23. # max-open-prepared-statements: 20
  24. # max-pool-prepared-statement-per-connection-size: 20
  25. # filters: stat
  26. # connection-properties: druid.stat.mergeSql=true;druid.stat.slowSqlMillis=5000
  27. # use-global-data-source-stat: true
  28. dynamic:
  29. primary: db1 # 配置默认数据库
  30. datasource:
  31. db1: # 数据源1配置
  32. url: jdbc:mysql://
  33. username: root
  34. password: 'hdp2021888'
  35. driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  36. db2: # 数据源2配置
  37. url: jdbc:mysql://
  38. username: root
  39. password: 'hdp2021888'
  40. driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  41. durid:
  42. initial-size: 1
  43. max-active: 5
  44. min-idle: 1
  45. max-wait: 60000
  46. autoconfigure:
  47. exclude: com.alibaba.druid.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DruidDataSourceAutoConfigure # 去除druid配置
  48. redis:
  49. host: ''
  50. port: 6379
  51. # password: 'nanxun123456'
  52. password: 'nanxun123456'
  53. database: 1
  54. lettuce.pool:
  55. max-active: 1000
  56. max-idle: 10
  57. max-wait: -1ms
  58. min-idle: 5
  59. #配置通过url访问本地静态图片
  60. mvc:
  61. throw-exception-if-no-handler-found: true
  62. static-path-pattern: /images/**
  63. resources:
  64. add-mappings: false
  65. static-locations: file:D://toiletImg/ #本地图片访问绑定地址
  66. # static-locations: file:/toilet/shaoxing_toilet_img/ #阿里云服务器图片访问地址
  67. messages:
  68. basename: i18n/messages
  69. encoding: UTF-8
  70. servlet:
  71. multipart:
  72. max-file-size: 100MB
  73. max-request-size: 100MB
  74. enabled: true
  75. server:
  76. tomcat:
  77. uri-encoding: UTF-8
  78. port: 8006
  79. servlet:
  80. context-path: /shaoxing-plat
  81. mybatis-plus:
  82. mapper-locations: classpath:/com/example/modular/*/mapper/mapping/**.xml
  83. typeAliasesPackage: com.example.modular.*.po
  84. configuration:
  85. map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
  86. cache-enabled: false
  87. call-setters-on-nulls: true
  88. jdbc-type-for-null: 'null'
  89. # log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
  90. toilet:
  91. id: 1
  92. prefix: '3306' #绍兴城市公厕编码前缀 公厕编码规则:前缀+ 六位数
  93. img:
  94. prefixName: 'shaoxing_toilet_'
  95. localPath: 'D://toiletImg/' #本地/政务网服务 图片保存地址
  96. # localPath: '/toilet/shaoxing_toilet_img/' #阿里云服务器图片保存地址
  97. urlName: '' #本地图片访问地址
  98. # urlName: 'http://haidapu.com:' #阿里云服务器图片访问地址
  99. path-pattern: '/shaoxing-plat/images/'
  100. dahua:
  101. dllPath: 'E:\suzhoutoilet\src\main\resources\libs\win64\'
  102. qiniu:
  103. accessKey: 'ClTOMx8G9JKNeqpHtn1ZRwxSItF9YmsZkxgR4xNd'
  104. secretKey: 'yvNaysB2amVKr42AcW1nnEMtMTcozwtjyRJfBTAk'
  105. bucket: 'resource-haidapu'
  106. login:
  107. verifyImgPath: D:\shaoxing_plat_jar\verify_img
  108. province:
  109. getProvinceCodeUrl: ''
  110. uploadToiletDataUrl: ''
  111. appcode: 'ef760d60f38148dd80bb39df2611e40a'
  112. username: 'gc330600'
  113. pwd: 'fzMaES0yutjvn9nTuyE'
  114. lecheng:
  115. post: '443'
  116. host: 'https://openapi.lechange.cn'
  117. appid: 'lc23e384359d264e7b' # 应邦邦:lc0889fb3a4e194475 章琦:lc198a59cb00be439c 公司:lc23e384359d264e7b
  118. scret: '3a1d5208f8ec484c9f3d74eaba4d64' #应邦邦:ffa7343241fc441e8182d44dd4d707 章琦:7d33ee4ae813468087afee8f4c8fe5 公司:3a1d5208f8ec484c9f3d74eaba4d64